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Latrobe ·
Extinction Matters
Bells Parade, Latrobe BioBlitz
How many species did we find from to at Bells Parade, Latrobe (incl. Dooleys Hill & Pig Island)?
248 People joined in
29 Scientists and naturalists led species surveys
- 167 Students
- 12 Teachers
- 8 Schools
- 40 Volunteers
235 Different species identified Including 213 species not previously recorded at the site
5 Threatened species
45 Invertebrates including:
- 20 insects
- 6 spiders
68 Vertebrates including:
- 53 birds
- 5 fish
120 Plants & fungi including:
- 4 orchids
- 30 fungi
19 Organisations supported the 2016 BioBlitz